May 28 marked Cardano’s significant achievement when it launched its first and unique smart contracts testnet, the KEVM testnet. According to IOHK, KEVM testnet is “A correct by construction version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) specified in the K framework. This technology, produced by Runtime Verification with the support of IOHK, is the first time that a complete formal semantics of the EVM have been produced.”
Thus, this important event is no doubt a big deal. For many years, developers tried to establish a scheme like this one. K framework was Professor Grigore Rosul’s main focus for 15 years, and this release this year proved to him that it is actually possible. Amazed by the achievement, Rosul said that “it sounds like a dream, but not anymore.”
What Is KEVM All About?
Many developers and professionals tried to develop a similar model to K framework, but this one proved to be the most successful.
The K framework gives you a chance to define your own programming language by using the tools it offers, and it makes sure that your programming language works in a correct and proper way.
The KEVM also offers developers and professionals the ability to initiate an application developed for the EVM, as well as offering them access to a myriad of new functions and security. Thus, the KEVM indicates that the “EVM has been formally defined in the K framework.”
It is important to mention that Cardano is now supporting C and Java languages. The tools created for these are completely accurate, specific and identical to the tools specifically developed for such languages.
Is Cardano Planning on Launching Other Testnets?
Cardano is planning to launch a second testnet, IELE, in July. This testnet is a new virtual machine, with unlimited numbers of registers and integers. According to IOHK, “with IELE, developers can write, compile and execute smart contracts, with improved security and performance compared to the KEVM testnet.”
These technological achievements and developments by Cardano are no doubt important events in the blockchain community. The crypto community has faced many issues, such as smart-contract bugs like the case of EOS mainnet, and hackers attack like the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DOA) hack. However, K framework immediately removes previous security issues in Ethereum smart contracts by applying EVM’s most secure aspects and features.