Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Icon News

Stay up to date on Icon with Blokt, the leader in cutting-edge privacy and cryptocurrency news. We are at the forefront of blockchain technology, bringing you the latest developments daily.

ICON (ICX) Announce Partnership With Japanese Crypto Fund and Sign MOU...

"B Cryptos," the Japanese crypto fund ICON's ever-growing list of partnerships continues, with two tweets and blog posts today outlining these new partnerships. The first of...

Thoughts, Impressions, and Bonus Info from ICON’s First Annual Summit: The...

I haven’t had the chance to check out social media much to judge the overall reaction yet, but I will say that ICON investors...

ICON (ICX) Annual Summit: Thoughts and Opinions from the “VIP” Dinner

I was very impressed with ICON tonight.  They seem to be doing things the right way.  They’re very professional and know the types of...

ICON (ICX) Annual Summit [LIVE]: The Genesis – January 31, 2018

The ICON team is hosting their first ICON Annual Summit, and we have a man on the ground. This page will be updated live with...